2011-02 Emacs相关微博

巴蛮子 posted @ 2011年3月13日 21:27 in Emacs with tags emacs microblog , 4126 阅读


294. [emacs][theme] Naquadah theme  http://julien.danjou.info/blog/index.html#Naquadah_theme_for_Emacs [2011-02-01 12:04:07]

295. [emacs][orgmode] 听了一下Google Tech Talk on Emacs Org-mode(昨天从youku下载的),发现自己现在英文听力提高了不少——难道是最近几个月看英美剧集的结果? [2011-02-01 15:17:17]

301. [emacs][addons] Textmate minor mode http://ozmm.org/posts/textmate_minor_mode.html [2011-02-01 21:43:55]

302. [emacs][geek] RT @echoes2099: #emacs keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word. U heard right! #vbacs #linux http://tinyurl.com/5rqt494 [2011-02-02 13:06:47]

303. [emacs]RT Latest #emacs trunk code changes the way mouse & X11 pasting works. Read this thread if you want the old setup http://ur1.ca/32o1j [2011-02-02 13:56:48]

311. [emacs][video] 上传了一份emacs-cua-rect.flv到土豆网,我从vimeo.com下载的  http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/He4etr8Q5Ag/ [2011-02-05 17:26:29]

314. [emacs] GNU Emacs 24提供了describe-package命令, 应该比那个finder-commentary好记一些 [2011-02-05 21:15:06]

316. [emacs][RIL] Key Binding Conventions http://is.gd/qy9grg [2011-02-06 08:50:34]

318. [emacs][RIL][python] RT @xah_lee: Unicode Support in #Ruby #Perl #Python #javascript #Java #Emacs Lisp #Mathematica http://goo.gl/f3fDW [2011-02-07 08:07:57]

336. [emacs][iphone] 不知道怎么解决“脚踏板”问题的,难道是用ssh连上去运行?RT @basimple: #Emacs for iPhone http://gamma-level.com/iphoneos/ports/emacs [2011-02-08 18:40:34]

337. [emacs][RIL] Elisp Lesson: Execute/Compile Current File http://is.gd/D7rLXH [2011-02-08 22:55:11]

347. [emacs][RIL] RT @doitian: Mickey Petersen: Mastering Key Bindings in #Emacs http://bit.ly/dGC6vp [2011-02-09 13:48:59]

351. [emacs][xml] RT @stickster: @jsmith #Emacs for #XML editing write-up is here: http://ur1.ca/363ts Similar automation for #vim exists, you or [2011-02-10 09:39:49]

358. [emacs][geek] RT @samdonnelley: #Emacs Reference Mug by rudzitis.org - Awesome way to keep caffeinated and ...  http://is.gd/CTKhe2 [2011-02-11 23:02:18]

360. [工具软件][emacs] 哈哈,我把Caps Lock映射成了App,这样我的emacs里面左右都有hyper键了 (为了以防万一,还是保留了Caps Lock,放在了右Windows键上) [2011-02-12 14:16:32]

365. [工具软件] 续: 顺便还改了一下对xemacs/uemacs的缺省禁用,一些console程序的判断,中文Windows上的一些窗口判断(原版是针对日文版判断的) [2011-02-14 17:01:28]

376. [emacs][python] RT @yunh: A new major-mode for Python http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2011-02/msg00655.html [2011-02-16 00:16:09]

377. [emacs][iphone] RT @basimple: #Emacs for iPhone http://gamma-level.com/iphoneos/ports/emacs [2011-02-16 00:17:35]

380. [uemacs] 刚才无意中发现jasspa里面可用esc =激活主菜单(原来禁用了Alt+<key>激活菜单之后就一直困惑这个),esc +激活上下文菜单。但没找到关闭的方法 [2011-02-16 20:11:00]

382. [emacs] RT @xah_lee: RT @johnnyjacob: Very good #emacs #elisp tutorial - http://is.gd/k3szbw [2011-02-17 09:07:12]

387. [emacs] 对外发了俺写的第一个emacs扩展: 用Scite API文件作为自动补全函数源 http://bamanzi.is-programmer.com/posts/24558 [2011-02-17 23:51:04]

390. [TODO] 介绍microemacs,主要是jasspa [2011-02-18 09:20:08]

395. [emacs] 从 http://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/emacs/windows/  下载新的v24 alpha版本,发现org更新到了7.3, 多了一些theme。 [2011-02-18 17:04:51]

396. [emacs] 续:刚发现我上次安装的是20101110, 再上次是20100708,不算太频繁哈。(之前都是从e4w项目下的 http://code.google.com/p/emacs-for-windows/  ) [2011-02-18 17:27:29]

401. [uemacs][blog] 新文章: 介绍一下MicroEmacs http://bamanzi.is-programmer.com/posts/24605 [2011-02-20 20:35:26]

424. [emacs] emacswiki RIL: ScimBridge_Chinese, AutoPairs, DumpEmacs [2011-02-23 16:25:03]

434. [uemacs] jasspa最大的缺点是不支持各种encoding (至少得支持utf-8, utf16-le & 当前ANSI吧) [2011-02-24 17:50:59]

435. [emacs][php][openproxy] 查PHP函数可以用这个网址  http://php.chinaunix.net/manual/zh/function.{function}.php  不过function里面要将_变成- [2011-02-24 18:11:04]

442. [emacs][RIL] Sylvester324 :在Emacs中构建我的字典(sydict) 使用startdict的文件创建我自己的Emacs字典查询函数。http://sinaurl.cn/hGSuSA [2011-02-28 07:26:48]

443. [emacs][RIL] Making Emacs Stand Up To Visual Studio 7 || kuro5hin.org http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2003/4/1/21741/10470 [2011-02-28 07:39:18]

446. [emacs][RIL] RT @edipretoro: Emacs-fu: executable source code blocks with org-babel: http://tinyurl.com/4lt9jnb (#orgmode #emacs) // great t [2011-02-28 08:21:19]

447. [emacs][RIL] RT @xah_lee: A Text Editor Feature: Extend Selection by Semantic Unit http://goo.gl/LdDbZ #Mathematica #emacs #vim #eclipse [2011-02-28 08:35:05]

449. [emacs] 刚意识到之所以我会在闪存上加了许多Xah Lee的文章到RIL标签上,是因为Xah Lee不在Planet Emacsen上(为啥?),于是到GR上订阅了他的RSS,这里就不轻省了,哈 [2011-02-28 10:37:47]



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