两个有意思的玩意儿: linuxlogo, cowsay

巴蛮子 posted @ 2011年2月08日 09:10 in Unixer with tags linuxmint debian linux geek , 10139 阅读

linuxlogo:  Color ANSI System Logo

A Color ANSI Logo with some system information that can be displayed at system boot time or, with some local configuration, at the login prompt. Four different Logos are available:

 * Debian Swirl(default)
 * Debian Banner
 * Tux Classic and Banner

The Classic and Banner Logos are based on Larry Ewing's Penguin. Monochrome ASCII versions of all the logos are included.

我修改了一下Debian提供的/etc/init.d/linuxlogo,直接用linuxlogo的输出作为了/etc/issue.net (ANSI彩色版本)和/etc/issue (无ANSI控制字符版本)的头部。

cowsay: A configurable talking cow

Cowsay (or cowthink) will turn text into happy ASCII cows, with speech (or thought) balloons. If you don't like cows, ASCII art is available to replace it with some other creatures (Tux, the BSD daemon, dragons, and a plethora of animals, from a turkey to an elephant in a snake).

homepage: http://www.nog.net/~tony/warez/cowsay.shtml


   $ cowsay `fortune`

对于Debian系统管理员,不妨安装一个fortunes-debian-hints, 在~/.profile里面添加如下一行:

   /usr/games/fortuen debian-hints | /usr/games/cowthink




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Ivan 说:
2012年4月15日 19:57


巴蛮子 说:
2012年5月05日 12:35

fortune缺省就是随机显示多个文件中的一条(除非指定,比如fortune 90% funny 10% not-funny将从funny和not-funny两个文件抽取显示,几率分别是90%和10%)。自己做的文件放在正确的位置了吗?Debian里是放在 /usr/share/games/fortunes 这个目录下

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